The Grands Sites de France network: 54 Grands Sites, 32 millions visitors
At its creation in 2000 the Grands Sites network covered 22 sites, today there are 54 members. 22 of them have received the Grand Site de France label. You can find out more about them in the “Member site” section and by downloading the network brochure.
A living network with exchange and reflection at the fore
Created in November 2000, the Grands Sites de France network is a French association under the law of 1901, which brings together local organisations responsible for the stewardship of the Grands Sites.
The network is a very lively centre where people share their experiences and know-how for the sites. It brings together the sites that have already been awarded the “Grand Site de France” label and those which are less advanced and that are still in the study or remediation stages.
What the sites have in common is that they are all looking for innovative functions that allow quality welcome while respecting the spirit of the sites combined with the generation of positive impact on surrounding local economy.
The network also takes part in national and international reflection on the future of these areas of outstanding natural beauty and heritage site, facing their long-term conservation within the context of growing pressure from tourism.
The Grands Sites de France network is a member of the International Council on Monuments and Sites

Learn more - download the Grands Sites de France network brochure - see the Grands Sites de France network statutes (in french)