The brand

The “Grand Site de France” label

To be a member of the Grands Sites de France network is to work to obtain the official “Grand Site de France” label

This label is protected by the French State and is the recognition of management that applies the principles of sustainable development.

The “Grand Site de France” label guarantees that the site is conserved and managed following sustainable development principles, which combine the conservation of the landscape, the ‘spirit’ of the site, the quality of the visitors' experience is welcomed and the participation of the inhabitants and partners in the life of the Grand Site. This label belongs to the French state which registered it at the Institut national de la propriété industrielle (trademarks office) in 2003. It is managed by the Ministry for Ecology and Sustainable Development. Its creation was an important stage showing the recognition by national policy of the importance of these truly inspiring landscapes and the commitment of local organisations and the French state to their long term management.

Learn more
French national policy in favour of the Grands Sites 
Regulations concerning the usage of the "Grand Site de France" label 

This label commits the site manager

It is granted by the French ministry responsible for the sites to the organisation that manages the Grand Site, after acceptation from the Commission Supérieure Des Sites, Perspectives et Paysages (higher commission for sites, perspectives and landscapes) and the Grands Sites de France network. The label is granted for 6 years and may be revoked if the site manager does not respect its terms.

The French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development, in co-operation with the Grands Sites De France network have set out regulations for the use of the label.


